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Just say "No!"

Simple one-liners to say no that are clear, respectful, and easy - without apologizing or accidentally inviting them to ask again later.

  • End people pleasing.
  • Maintain your boundaries.
  • Take back control of your life, your time, and your peace of mind.

Let's be real: You’re a rockstar!

You do more in a day than most people do in a week. Your life is full, and your schedule could rival a CEO's.

It's like the phrase, "When you want something done, ask a busy person" was created with YOU in mind.

"Busy" doesn't even begin to cover it.

image of mom multitasking juggling responsibilities

You're basically a master of juggling all the things.

But sometimes, despite your best efforts, you drop a ball or two.

Or maybe you’re just maxed out, and thought of taking on one more thing makes you wanna hide under the covers and eat a pint of chocolate ice cream.

Maybe you’re in that season where you need to hit pause. Like seriously. Your plate is full and the buffet is closed.

But then someone asks you to help… to volunteer… to take on one more commitment…

Cue the deep sigh...

Sure, you could technically do it. But it would send your stress levels through the roof? Absolutely. Would it add even more chaos to your life? 100%. Do you want to do it? Hard pass.

But here's the kicker: Saying no is hard.

Because you’re a kind, decent person.

You don't wanna hurt other people’s feelings.

But the tendency to people please is STRONG.

Saying no feels a little... ick.

The struggle is real, my friend!

We’ve been trained since early childhood to say yes with a smile, even when our soul is screaming, "No way!"

But you’re ready to flip the switch - to make new boundaries, to take back your time, your life, your peace and (yes!) your joy.

You’re ready to say “No” and mean it.

No awkward explanations, no guilt, and definitely no backtracking.

These 15 simple scripts will help you master the art of saying no – graciously and firmly, without apologizing or leaving the door open for them to ask again.

So go ahead, embrace your inner naysayer... and enjoy the sweet, sweet sound of "No!"

Hi! I'm Holly Doherty.

I'm an author, speaker, and self-worth coach who helps women love and trust themselves again so they can have more impact, peace, and fulfillment.

I know what it's like to hide who you really are and sabotage yourself six ways from Sunday, and I help you eliminate the emotional baggage that makes you feel not good enough and stop the self-sabotage that makes you feel stuck.

And it all starts when you know your worth, radiate confidence, and embrace your most authentic, be*YOU*tiful YOU!

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