Get Your Bye Bye, Sucky Clients 1/2 VIP Day now!

Create your customized
Bye Bye, Sucky Clients Profile
so you can attract clients you love today!

I know, I know...

You've filled out Ideal Client Profiles a zillion times.

You've defined their avatar and described their lifestyle over and over again.

You've gone into so much detail, you've even named their kids and their goldfish!

And if you have to do it... Yet. Again... you might just go crazy.

So why do you still get stuck
with clients that drive you batty?

They check all the right boxes.

They "should" be perfect.

And, yet... sometimes you'd rather stick a fork in your eye than get on Zoom with them.

What's happening here?

Haven't you followed the advice of all the experts?

Attracting your ideal clients
starts with defining who they are, right?

See, that's the problem.

You've been starting in the wrong place.

Traditional, client-centered ideal client profiles are important.

Those details help you talk to your people in a way that says, "I get you."

But how many kids they have and whether they like coffee or tea
has nothing to do with whether they'll actually be YOUR ideal clients.

Because all those avatars ignore the MOST important thing:


How you possibly love your clients
if you haven't considered what's important to YOU?

For example:

  • If you hate repeating the basics over and over, your ideal clients are NOT beginners. They're experienced people looking for advanced strategies.
  • If you like to go in-depth and hate the surface-y work, your ideal clients aren't looking for a quick fix. They're deep thinkers looking for long-term solutions.
  • If you only wanna work weekends, your ideal clients aren't soccer moms. They're cheering their kids from the sidelines and unavailable during those hours.

But none of this comes from "picking"
ideal client characteristics out of thin air.

It comes from knowing who YOU are first.

If you don't know who YOU are,
you don't know your ideal client, either.


Clients you love to work with are an extension of you.

  • Your preferences - what you want to do, how you want to deliver your transformation
  • Your boundaries - non-negotiables and deal breakers, including office hours and modes of communication
  • Your core values - underlying values and beliefs that signal a client will have success with your work
  • Your mission - what you're called to do, not just the fastest path to cash

If you're not clear on these things,
you won't attract clients you love to work with,
even if you can guess their favorite Starbucks drink.

Because ideal client attraction
doesn't start with who THEY are.
It starts with YOU.

Trust me, this is game-changing!

Now, you're probably thinking...

"I've already spent SO much time on
client-focused ideal client profiles,
but it's clearly not working.
I've GOT to get this done. NOW!"

Don't worry, chicky!

I've gotcha covered!

Introducing the
Bye, Bye! Sucky Clients Ideal Client Attraction 1/2 VIP Day!

Get expert help to create your customized
Bye Bye, Sucky Clients Profile so you can
attract clients you love and fall back in
love with your business today!

All for $397!


Together, we'll walk through
my revolutionary 5-step process
to attract ideal clients you LOVE to work with.

You'll discover...

  • The TRUTH about attracting your ideal clients. (It's NOT what you've been taught...)
  • What NEVER to include in an ideal client profile unless you want to be burned out, broke, and miserable...
  • How to stop saying yes to all those clients who you like their money but you don't like working with them...
  • 5 groundbreaking questions you MUST ask FIRST to attract clients that make you BANK and make your business a JOY. (Hint... it's not about THEM. It's about YOU.)
  • The revolutionary method of defining your ideal client that will make you FALL IN LOVE WITH YOUR BUSINESS all over again - because you start from the RIGHT place.

On your 1/2 VIP Day, we'll cover...

Fire the Liar

Chip away the lies you believe about yourself, based on 5 common Spiritual Identity Thieves that hijack your your sense of self and your confidence.

Personal Preference Inventory

Create your Personal Preference Inventory and develop a strategy to honor those preferences in your life and business. Because if you can't honor them in the little things, it's much harder to stand up for them in the BIG things.

Business Manifesto and Core Values Inventory

Develop your personalized Business Manifesto and Core Values Inventory, which guide your ideal client profile. Understand which core values are essential and which ones have no place in your client attraction formula and can actually COST you great clients.

Fix the Flaws

Identify your pet peeves, flawed practices, and incorrect "common knowledge" about your industry so you can attract people who DON'T buy into those practices.

Deal Breakers

Identify your business and client deal breakers so your clients are a JOY to work with and you wake up every morning EXCITED to work with them rather than dreading it.


Set boundaries around your business practices and your interactions with clients. Develop a plan to integrate those boundaries into your business so you can say NO to clients and projects which don't light you up, and so you can build a business you truly love.

You also get this HOT bonus!

spiritual identity thieves

Spiritual Identity Thieves Course ($197 Value)

Negative life experiences change the way we see ourselves. In this powerful course, you'll discover five common Spiritual Identity Thieves and explore how they may have hijacked your identity and - with it - your confidence.


Hi! I'm Holly Doherty.

As a trauma-informed self-worth coach, I help women love and trust themselves again so they can know their worth, radiate confidence, and have more impact, peace, and fulfillment.

I know what it's like to lose yourself to the expectations of others and what it takes to find yourself again. I bring a message of hope that empowers women to stop chasing achievement for their confidence and outward validation for their worth.

Because you've got be dreams and a big purpose to fulfill. And it all starts when you embrace your most authentic, be*YOU*tiful YOU!

© 2024 Rediscover Radiance, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.