Do you sometimes forget how much God loves you?

Don't we all!

That's why he repeats it so often throughout the Bible.

But in the middle of this messy life...

the unfolded laundry (still)...

the short temper (again)...

the worries about money (on repeat)...

it's easy to focus on your flaws and all the ways you're blowing it.

Maybe you wonder how God can love you when you're such a mess...

graphic of little love notes devotionals bible study love of God

A Devotional kit about
God's love for you

Now only $27


But you love your kids all the time, no matter what, right?

image of mother and daughter hugging and smiling

Whether they're loving each other or fighting...

rocking school or struggling...

keeping up with chores or sliding...

Your love is constant, and you tell them often.

Maybe you even slip little notes into their lunchbox:

"Have a great day!"

"You're awesome!"

"I believe in you!"

And each one? Signed "Love, Mom."

You know how much a kind, loving word lifts their spirits and helps them believe in themselves.

So wouldn't a special love note from the One who knows you best make YOUR day?

Little Love Notes is like a lunchbox note
for your grown-up soul.

This devotional series will help you:

  • meditate on God's amazing love for you
  • love yourself more as you see yourself through God's eyes
  • overcome the negative voice of the world (and in your own head!) and focus on HIS voice and HIS truth
  • draw closer to God as you experience a whole new level of peace and gratitude
  • feel more equipped and prepared to pursue your God-given purpose

Understand God's love for you in a whole new way.

graphic of little love notes devotionals bible study love of God

Now only $27


I KNOW this will make a HUGE difference in your life!

Hi, I’m Holly Doherty.

I’m a self-worth mentor who specializes in helping women end imposter syndrome, deal with the emotional baggage that makes them feel “Not Good Enough,” and stop the self-doubt that makes them feel stuck so they can be themselves in their life and business.

But I didn't always believe in myself.

In fact, I used to hate myself.

After decades of trauma, I believed I was fundamentally unlovable. At my core.

I believed everything the Bible said... except the parts that said God loves me.

In fact, one day when I read yet another verse about God's love for me, I threw my Bible against the wall in despair because I was convinced it was lying to me!

But once I was finally able to believe and accept God's love for me - not just intellectually but at a heart-and-soul deep level, everything changed.

I was finally able to love myself.

I stopped calling God a liar (NEVER a good thing to do, btw! 😊)

And I've been able to help other women find that same type of peace and acceptance.

Know and accept God's love in a deeper way than ever
with Little Love Notes.

Get Little Love Notes right now
for only $27

graphic of little love notes devotionals bible study love of God

Here's exactly what you get:

12 beautiful Little Love Note images

to remind you just how much God loves you

Little Love Notes 5-Minute Devotionals

to reflect on each Scripture verse

Little Love Notes Devotional Journal

to take it deeper and make it personal.

12 Little Love Notes Wallpapers

to inspire you every time you boot up your computer.

Printable Little Love Notes

specifically designed to print at home

Love-in-Action Steps

to use Little Love Notes in creative ways to inspire you and others.

Get Little Love Notes now
for only $27

graphic of little love notes devotionals bible study love of God